Diary Entry - Day 1

Day 1

I have landed on a stormy day. Do not get the wrong idea, the word "storm" really loses meaning in this god forsaken planet. At my homeland, we referred the storm as the pouring rain which lead to massive floods around the planet. However, once the flood was over; we would always see the nature's rebirth. Hence the people were always in conflict whether to love and appreciate the storms or to hate them.

Here, the storm means only one thing: the ever-blowing sand storms. Only to perish and destroy... As I was walking on the landing platform; it instantly hit me that this planet or to be more precise; the planet and the inhabitants of this planet were hostile. I, too, do not define myself as a friendly person; but this was totally different. You could easily sense that the very fabric of this planet was pure hatred. Hatred, agony and ambition. You could be -no, should be- asking: what were you expecting from the homeworld of the Sith, Korriban?

Korriban, home and the eternal rest place of the Sith Lords
Slave. That is what we -the newcomers- are addressed by our superiors in the Sith Academy. One overseer, Harkun is especially obsessed with this word. He calls me a slave whenever and wherever he can. I really do not understand the reasoning behind this; but he just mindlessly hates us all. Well, actually not all of us, there is a particular apprentice that he favors, Ffon Althe.

Ffon Althe
Overseer Harkun

I have learned our ultimate aim in coming here. Lord Zash, the most powerful Sith in the Academy will be selecting a new padawan. This is why us -the ones strong with the arts of the Force- have been brought here altogether. There are more interesting news, though. Only one us will be chosen and the others will be "eliminated." Let them come. This is the opportunity I have expected for all my life. Finally, I will get rid of the chains that held me back for years. I will show them who the real slave is. Or will be.

The trials will be starting tomorrow. Now, I will rest and meditate for my upcoming challenge.

-End of Entry-

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